That’s got a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? We entered two spirits in the 2018 Canadian Artisan Spirits Competition – Gin Twenty-One, and our unique Blackstrap Spirit – our first foray ever into having our spirits formally judged. We’re thrilled that our gin won a Gold medal, and Blackstrap won bronze, in blind tastings from top spirits critics and writers from across the country. We’re especially proud of Brandon’s diligence and expertise in distilling – he designed the gin from the ground up, with plenty of feedback from our earliest supporters!
Of course, you guys are already way ahead of the critics. Now you can brag to your friends that you discovered an award-winning distillery long before ordinary mortals had ever heard of it. A limited number of bottles of each spirit will be wearing their medals, so be sure to pop by the bottle shop or drop as an online order to score one with some bling!
Full awards results can be found here.